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You will need to create a Friendly Manager account please follow the instructions below

You will register with Friendly Manager under one of the following scenarios:

  1. You are registering your child to play Junior or Youth football

You will select the Junior Registrations button, fill in your child’s personal details and then click on the blue [Team] button to select the type of team they will play for. Once you have entered all of their details click through to the Parent/Guardians page and enter your own details. Once complete click through to the Terms & Conditions page and lastly to the Summary and Payment page.

You will then receive an email with a link and a temporary password that will allow you login to your Friendly Manager account to change your password and then view your child’s personal and billing details or register another child etc.

Note: If you wish to request that your player plays with their friends please indicate that by entering that detail in the Player Requests field on the initial main registration page

2.  You are registering yourself to play Senior or Masters football

You will select the Senior Registrations button, fill in your personal details and then click on the blue [Team] button to select the type of team you will play for. Once you have entered all your details click through to the Terms & Conditions page and lastly to the Summary and Payment page.

You will then receive an email with a link and a temporary password that will allow you login to your Friendly Manager account to change your password and then view your person

Note: If you are a Senior player please indicate the team you are playing in by entering that detail in the Player Requests field on the initial registration page e.g. Capital 4 or if you are a new player not associated with a team enter “new player

  1. If you are new to Miramar Rangers

If you or your junior player are new to the club we invite you to have a look around our website which will hopefully answer any questions you might have. For example for juniors read all about age groups here

If you have any questions you’d like answered before registering please feel free to email

Top Tips

Here are some top tips to smooth your registration process:

  • In the Nationality and Country of Birth fields type in New Z to quickly select New Zealand

  • Use the Known As field if you/your child are not known by your/their legal first name, so typically where you/they go by a nickname, a diminutive name or a second name. Don’t enter anything in this field if these conditions don’t apply

  • If you are registering more than one Junior player please note there is a green [Add another player] button at the bottom of the first screen

  • If you are a player who is registering themselves as well as one or more juniors it may pay to do the Senior registration first

  • Please enter phone numbers without the international code unless it is a number hosted in a other country, also please avoid inputting spaces

  • If you are registering more than one player - or a Girl playing both Saturday and Sunday football, please contact so the multiple discount can be attended to, and we will register these players

·   Note: As part of the registration process you will receive an email from Friendly Manager that will provide instructions on how to login to your account, if you do not receive the email please check your junk mail folder.

·   Once your account is setup you can login to it